Android Question Multiple screen sizing problem


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Using %X and %y allowed me to effectively and cleanly cover all screen sizes, in the same orientation. Yet as of one or two version back the the tablets remain correct in varied screen sizes yet the screens when installed on HTC Droid and Samsung Galaxy III phones are now over sized by the height of the return button panel on. FullScreen is true and IncludeTitle is false in activity attributes and activity. It appears the screen size I am reading deducts the control panel for tablets but not phones. I tested all of my devices when I updated to the version introducing Project and Activity Attributes so it stopped in a version since.

Is this on my end, or corrected in 2.8 or another scaling issue to deal with?


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Using %X and %y allowed me to effectively and cleanly cover all screen sizes, in the same orientation
I don't recommend you to use this method to scale your UI. It will create stretched interface on tablets. It is much better to use AutoScaleAll together with anchoring and designer script.

100%y should return the correct activity height without the bars. It was tested with HTC Droid and Galaxy 3 as well.

Please try to reproduce it with a simple interface and post the code and a screenshot.
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