I think (one never knows) it is not directly supported, but in theory it could be done. As an exercise, this is how I see it:
There would be two apps, or one only app which could work in two possible modes (master and slave).
Each device would have to be "position-aware" (by settings) in your multidisplay panel, and only display the corresponding part.
Devices are connected by Wifi. Master broadcasts.
First issue is content type
It could be more or less cumbersome depending on how dynamic the video content is ( an internally generated scrolling banner which only updates once a second? a video? )
Also, it would make a big difference if the content is known in advance by all the devices or not.
If the "slave" devices don't know the content in advance, the master must broadcast it, and each receiver will just display its corresponding part.
If the content is known in advance by all slaves, then each one would "play" its corresponding part, but no need to broadcast it.
Also, how to "display its corresponding part" will depend on the content: a still bitmap, a decoded stream?
Second issue is synchronization.
In both cases (master broadcasts content and content is known by all slaves) there has to be a synchronous "play". So, all devices need a common reference timing to play at the "same" time. The master would be in charge of that
I have absolutely no idea of how noticeable the delays would be
But it sounds interesting