i have an app that saved the tracks(lat,lon,alti) with GPS
Sub Timer1_Tick
If gps.GetGpsData(6000) = True Then trackauf
End Sub
Sub trackauf
FileOpen (ctrack,"Track.txt",cWrite,cAppend,cASCII)
FileWrite (ctrack,gps.longtitude & "," & gps.latitude & "," & gps.SeaLevelAltitude)
End Sub
sub stop
Timer1.Enabled = False
end sub
the Track.txt will be bigger and bigger till 1 MB or 2, that is ok, but when i press the Stopp Button sometimes the app is frozen but only sometimes. How to fix it?
i have an app that saved the tracks(lat,lon,alti) with GPS
Sub Timer1_Tick
If gps.GetGpsData(6000) = True Then trackauf
End Sub
Sub trackauf
FileOpen (ctrack,"Track.txt",cWrite,cAppend,cASCII)
FileWrite (ctrack,gps.longtitude & "," & gps.latitude & "," & gps.SeaLevelAltitude)
End Sub
sub stop
Timer1.Enabled = False
end sub
the Track.txt will be bigger and bigger till 1 MB or 2, that is ok, but when i press the Stopp Button sometimes the app is frozen but only sometimes. How to fix it?