I have received tons of help from people on this forum. Here is something I put together – I hope others find it useful in some way.
This is a class that implements a Grid. I implemented the grid by overlaying labels on a panel. Each label represents a cell giving each cell a click event. I also passed parameters to the grid.initialize using a parameter map. The grid is implemented as a B4A class. Source code and a test project are included in the zip.
I have received tons of help from people on this forum. Here is something I put together – I hope others find it useful in some way.
This is a class that implements a Grid. I implemented the grid by overlaying labels on a panel. Each label represents a cell giving each cell a click event. I also passed parameters to the grid.initialize using a parameter map. The grid is implemented as a B4A class. Source code and a test project are included in the zip.