B4J Question NDI we are on 2020 and this is really hot topic, some has any library or idea to use it as a source or destination?


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Hello, anyone has any idea how to start a NDI app as a source or destination in Android or Desktop with b4j?


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@omarruben as per this post I put together a functional NDI B4J project following a pointer from @moster67 to this Github project.

But he took it further and was able to create a B4J NDI library which he shared with me for testing purposes and it made building a B4J NDI project much easier than my initial approach. There were still some issues, mainly handling the audio, which needed resolution, but he like me has probably been distracted with other priorities.

One thing we did find during testing however was that the resulting NDI B4J app was very demanding of resources. What sort of NDI app did you have in mind?

I'm not sure of his plans to publish the B4J NDI library, but perhaps @moster67 will be able to advise you about that.
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I am working with people that have a very expensive hardware (blackmagic) and realized that many people have cheap computers laying around, with an application that has NDI capabilities as sender and receiver , we can build a very cheap alternative to that hadrware. I have already done some on c++ and openframeworks and works excellent, but I am a fan of B4X and it is so easy to create many things, I was thinking to create a set of apps dedicated to NDI comunications, I am sure it is possible, just my knowledge is not enough to make it happen, and after seeing the interest in 2020 , it would be great to have it on B4X.
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