Need help in developing an app for iOS...


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Dear friends,
Recently my grandfather , who is pretty old ,requested me to make an app for chanting of a mantra (hymn). I eagerly developed it for him using Exoplayer on Android platform.(Link for the complete project is attached herewith)
The app is simple with a fixed mantra (the mantra duration is only 7 minutes) with timing control. The mantra is supposed to loop for exactly one hour and then the app should terminate.
Now the issue is that my grandfather wants the app on iOS and I am stuck here because I don't have B4i neither a Mac . As I don't intend to develop iOS apps anytime, I would not be able to purchase B4i only for this work!
Can some one help me out? Since this is a non-commercial app, I would not be able to offer anything except a huge thank you!

Link for my app:


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Even if someone else made the app for you, I don't think you can install the app on his iphone without an apple developer's account ($99/yr) and authorizing your grandfather's phone as a test device.

I would suggest that your grandfather stick with his android phone - make things much easier ?
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Andrew (Digitwell)

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I would say that there isn't a long term solution for a free (no developer $99/yr) on iOS.

Have you considered a webapp instead of a native app.

This is written in B4j which is free. However you will need some hosting i believe.


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Granted, I don't know anything about mantra's or hymn's, but from my naïve view it sure sounds like you simply could make this into a one-hour movie and upload to Youtube for him? Note that it's simple to have non-public videos on Youtube, so you could keep it private that way.