My app keeps getting rejected by Google due to subscription price presented to the user being misleading.
What am I doing wrong or how can I fix this to show the correct local price.
"sprice" is supposed to contain the price of the subscription
Attached is the image from google that the user in some country somewhere sees.
US, Aus and many others see the correct price.
What am I doing wrong or how can I fix this to show the correct local price.
"sprice" is supposed to contain the price of the subscription
Attached is the image from google that the user in some country somewhere sees.
US, Aus and many others see the correct price.
Dim sf As Object = Starter.billing.QuerySkuDetails("subs", Array(Starter.ADS_SDK_ID4,Starter.ADS_SDK_ID5))
Wait For (sf) Billing_SkuQueryCompleted (Result As BillingResult, SkuDetailsList As List)
Starter.myLog.Add($"(GetAllProductPrice) Info received from PS Result - ${Result.ResponseCodeString}"$)
If Result.IsSuccess And SkuDetailsList.Size > 0 Then
For Each Sku As SkuDetails In SkuDetailsList
Dim sPrice As String
If Sku.Price = "" Then
Dim offers As List = Sku.As(JavaObject).RunMethod("getSubscriptionOfferDetails", Null)
Dim offer As JavaObject = offers.Get(0)
Dim PricingPhases As JavaObject
PricingPhases = offer.RunMethod("getPricingPhases", Null)
Dim l As List = PricingPhases.RunMethod("getPricingPhaseList", Null)
Dim PricingPhase As JavaObject
PricingPhase = l.Get(0)
sPrice = PricingPhase.RunMethod("getFormattedPrice", Null)
sPrice = Sku.Price
End If
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, clvSubscribe.AsView.Width, 200dip)
Dim mydesc As String = ""
If Sku.Sku = "lara202312" Then
clvSubsItemTitle.Text = B4XPages.MainPage.loc.Localize("LARA 12 Month Subscription")
mydesc = Sku.Description & CRLF & CRLF & "Free Trial - Cancel subscription withing 7 days and there will be no charge"
End If
If Sku.Sku = "lara202306" Then
clvSubsItemTitle.Text = B4XPages.MainPage.loc.Localize("LARA 6 Month Subscription")
mydesc = Sku.Description & CRLF & CRLF & "Free Trial - Cancel subscription withing 7 days and there will be no charge"
End If
If Starter.SKU_Purchased = Sku.Sku Then
clvSubsItemAmount.Text = B4XPages.MainPage.loc.Localize("Active")
clvSubsItemButton.Text = B4XPages.MainPage.loc.Localize("Cancel")
mydesc = Sku.Description & CRLF & CRLF & Starter.productID & CRLF & DateTime.Date(Starter.purchaseTime) & " - " & DateTime.Time(Starter.purchaseTime)
clvSubsItemAmount.Text = sPrice
clvSubsItemButton.Tag = Sku.Sku
clvSubsItemButton.Text = B4XPages.MainPage.loc.Localize("Buy")
If Main.AppSubscriptionActive = True Then
clvSubsItemButton.Enabled = False
End If
End If
clvSubsItemDesc.Text = mydesc
clvSubscribe.AsView.Visible = True
else if Result.ResponseCodeString = "FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED" Then
xui.MsgboxAsync($"Sorry your version of Google Play Store is not supported${CRLF}Result - ${Result.ResponseCodeString}"$, "Not Supported")
End If