Android Question Need help with reading USB serial from Arduino.

Ed Van Kuren

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Need help with reading USB from arduino, or any usb input to Samsung Tab 2 GT-P3113 running 4.1.1.
I have bridge and wifi working to PC. Have arduino working to send a count out serial port and read value to reset count and start over. This way I know ive got 2way communications. Using latest usbserial2.3 example and it does not recognize pc or ardunio UNO(r3) on usb.
Any help would be appreciated. TIA


Licensed User
Longtime User
Need help with reading USB from arduino, or any usb input to Samsung Tab 2 GT-P3113 running 4.1.1.
I have bridge and wifi working to PC. Have arduino working to send a count out serial port and read value to reset count and start over. This way I know ive got 2way communications. Using latest usbserial2.3 example and it does TIA
The first, you should have a phone or tablet has OTG compatible, a OTG cable
You can check OTG compatible by app. OTG checker on google play
Easy to connect usbserial 2.3 to arduino Uno
Ex: from my Note 3 to Uno
- some phone, you should init OTG in Settings ( LG G2)
-some fake Arduino Uno R3 from China is not has FTDI for usb serial (another chip)
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