Bug? NET Library - SMTP multi part ?


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I have been trying to use the SMTP object for sending emails.
When I send an email with a file attachment the MESSAGE section (from field SMTP.BODY) of
the sent multipart email does NOT contain

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

as part of the message section header.
This means that the recieving email program can not decode the "=xx" codes imbedded in the message text.

If I use the SMTP object to send a TEXT only message (from field SMTP.BODY) then the "quoted-printable" IS inserted correctly into the header and "=xx" codes are decoded correctly by the recieving program.

Can this be resolved please for multipart email transmission.

This was a problem for me for b4A v5.20
I have updated to b4A v5.50
I still have the same problem.
the NET library is v1.53
I see notes for v1.60 on forum, but B4A v5.50 did not update this library.
Still v1.53


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The B4A version will not have any effect on the behavior of the Net library.

The Content-Transfer-Encoding belongs to the "body" part, not to the headers.
Then how do I pass Content-Transfer-Encoding as part of the body field?
It's only a string.
Remember is works if no attachment in email. Same BODY text.