Network Chat does not work


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I wanted to make a simple chat app from the Android phone and a computer. Now I got the problem that I either get together with no connection to the instructions here, or one message is sent and the connection separately after.
On the PC I'm working with Visual Basic for server programming.

Can anyone give me tips, or maybe it is better programming to a server on the phone and saw the computer to use as a client?

I have here in the forum already found the Theard when it comes to solutions, server / client between B4A and VB.NET, but I unfortunately could not help


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Erel is right, unless phones do the same but I guess that would depend on carrier. There's another technique though to get around NAT on routers. It's called NAT Negotiation. Can't remember if it's the same as UPnP or not but here's a doc Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Client Support

Most games do this type of thing to try and connect clients together.

Goes something like this:
Is the other player behind the same NAT device as I am?
If so, this is a LAN game and NAT negotiation is not necessary.

Is the other player not behind a NAT device?
If so, then I can directly connect to the public IP of the host server without negotiation.

Otherwise, use NAT negotiation.
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