Hi all, i am busy with the socket example:sign0085:
I need to log-in at my server with a username and password.
when i look at the data what enters the server, no username or password is given, in fact i see nothing at all.
the socket is connected because i have no Message
What do i wrong?
If Successful = False Then
Msgbox(LastException.Message, "Error connecting")
End If
Dim tw As TextWriter
tw.WriteLine("GET /?status")
tw.WriteLine("Authorization: Basic axxxxxxxxxxx")
tw.WriteLine("Host: www.xxxxxx.nl")
greetings and tnx in advance, Henk
I need to log-in at my server with a username and password.
when i look at the data what enters the server, no username or password is given, in fact i see nothing at all.
the socket is connected because i have no Message
What do i wrong?
If Successful = False Then
Msgbox(LastException.Message, "Error connecting")
End If
Dim tw As TextWriter
tw.WriteLine("GET /?status")
tw.WriteLine("Authorization: Basic axxxxxxxxxxx")
tw.WriteLine("Host: www.xxxxxx.nl")
greetings and tnx in advance, Henk