i am getting to many crash reports lately.
yesterday i got 246 new crash reports.
this is the whole information in my google play console
i am trying to run my game on my device and i dont have any crashes.
so i bought me a newer phone samsung s8 with android 7 and opengl 3.2
and now i am getting a lot crashes.
but nothing in the logs (b4a). only a crash.
i can also reproduce the crash but i dont understand what could be the reason for that crash.
any help?
what i also see in common with all those crash reports is that 99% of the devices have OpenGl v3.1 and up. my galaxy s5 has opengl v3.0 and their i dont get any crashes but my galaxy s8 has opengl 3.2 and there i do get crashes and can reproduce them. could it be that libgdx is not fully compatible with opengl v3.1 and up?
i am getting to many crash reports lately.
yesterday i got 246 new crash reports.
this is the whole information in my google play console
native: pc 000000000001b4c8 /data/app/www.sagital.pknight-1/lib/arm64/libgdx-box2d.so (_ZN16b2BlockAllocator8AllocateEi+56)
native: pc 000000000001e770 /data/app/www.sagital.pknight-1/lib/arm64/libgdx-box2d.so (_ZN7b2World10CreateBodyEPK9b2BodyDef+36)
native: pc 0000000000030104 /data/app/www.sagital.pknight-1/lib/arm64/libgdx-box2d.so (Java_com_badlogic_gdx_physics_box2d_World_jniCreateBody+164)
native: pc 0000000000c11830 /data/app/www.sagital.pknight-1/oat/arm64/base.odex
i am trying to run my game on my device and i dont have any crashes.
so i bought me a newer phone samsung s8 with android 7 and opengl 3.2
and now i am getting a lot crashes.
but nothing in the logs (b4a). only a crash.
i can also reproduce the crash but i dont understand what could be the reason for that crash.
any help?
what i also see in common with all those crash reports is that 99% of the devices have OpenGl v3.1 and up. my galaxy s5 has opengl v3.0 and their i dont get any crashes but my galaxy s8 has opengl 3.2 and there i do get crashes and can reproduce them. could it be that libgdx is not fully compatible with opengl v3.1 and up?