Wish New Tools for Convertion between B4J libs and B4A libs


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Hi Erel,
In my case, I'm using Margret's string function library in my library,assume Margret doesn't need to update her library for B4J (@margret ,I'm sorry,I only give a example,I believe you will update it) ,my library will stop update for B4J too. I 'm looking for a tools which could covert B4A 's library which is non-ui (have only jar file and xml file) to be B4J's library,in another hand,could convert B4J's library which is non-ui to B4A's library,if I have only jar file and xml file . (I think that using SLC and jSLC is different reference at jfxrt.jar file.)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Therefore , if andrew's reflection library isn't updated for b4j,I think that many libraries is stop,or not change to use javaobject ? I love the both libraries.


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Longtime User
Hi all of owner libraries,
Please let to update your libraries for b4j in order to make b4j is completely ide. Thank all of you.Erel made b4j for you,please don't make it not be complete.