Newbie - question about loadXML


Licensed User
Hi to all,

After having bought basic4PPC some years ago, I have at the end some time to play with it. My first project is normally very simple: I try to write a small PPC application that would allow me to view the XML output of my actions in the GettingThingsDone software called ThinkingRock.

It can export in the XML format and the output looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<desc>Call YYY</desc>
<project-desc>Project XXX</project-desc>
<action-date>sam. 10 nov. 2007 00:00:00</action-date>

When I try to load this file to a table, doing

file = OpenDialog1.File
Table1.LoadXML (file)

I get an error ath the line LaodXML telling me it is impossible to find table 0

What am I doing wrong? What are the constraints about the XML files that can be load to the table control? I cannot find anything on this point in the help file, neither in the table sample written by Erel. I am rather lost...

Precisions: I try this code on the desktop. The error appears after having chosen the xml file in the open file dialog.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.


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Licensed User
Thank you very much Erel for this very quick reaction. Where can I find more information about the format of the file expected by this function?

PS. I have sent you my file by email.



Licensed User
The data file only contains <action> elements like in the attached example. I had to name the file with the extension .txt (instead of .xml) in order to be able to upload it.



  • actions.txt
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Licensed User
I have been able to partially solve my problem usning the CSV export from ThinkRock. But I would really like to now more about the format of the XML files that can be used by Basic4PPC. I attach the very simple program that I have built. Please be indulgent since this is my first prog with Basic4PPC :)

The exe is for the PPC. There is no installer for now.

EDIT: I have updated the zip file.
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Licensed User
I continue my explorations... ;-)
Now that I am able to import a CSV file, I have been able to save the Table in XML and I can see that the required structure of the XML is much more intricate than the one generated by ThinkingRock. Il will hence limit myself to CSV for transfering files between these two programs. It works quite nicely. I am happy because I have learned a lot of things even with this very simple program (but I know that I have yet a lot to learn...).

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Licensed User
New version of this proggie (see the screenshots and the zip file).

ThinkingRock is a Java freeware that allows you to easily use David Allen's Getting things done time management methodology.


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