Newbie struggling with Parser


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:eek: I am not sure if I am doing the parser correctly.

If parser.Parents.IndexOf("maps") > -1 Then
           If Name = "user" Then ' the element is user
            profi = Text.ToString ' the attribute is profi
Else If Name = "timestamp" Then ' the element is timestamp
            time = Text.ToString ' the attribute is profi
Else If Name = "port" Then ' the element is port
           number = Text.ToString ' the attribute is number

What I end up with is profi = whatever is entered

I would like whatever is entered not including profi =

Also I would like to make it a click event to generate the file after the user has entered the information.

I can't figure out how to Writemap with the parsed data from the Sub Parser_EndElement.

Sorry to be a pain.

Thanks to everyone who has offered suggestions and help. :)