B4J Tutorial [NLP] Library or Question?


Please start with this tutorial: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/nlp-sentiment-analysis.133922/
It is quite similar.

In this tutorial we will try to detect whether the text belongs to a question thread or a library thread.
First step is to build the train and test data. The format, as explained here: https://opennlp.apache.org/docs/1.9.3/manual/opennlp.html#tools.doccat.training, is a text file where each line starts with the category, a space, and then the document text.

This is done with this code:
#AdditionalJar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin
Sub Process_Globals
    Private Const LIBRARY_B4A_ID = 29, LIBRARY_B4J_ID = 78, LIBRARY_B4I_ID = 64, QUESTIONS_ID = 26 As Int
    Private sql As SQL
    Private postsWithAttachments As B4XSet
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    Log("Hello world!!!")
End Sub

Private Sub Crawl
    sql.Initialize("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "jdbc:mysql://")
    Dim rs As ResultSet = sql.ExecQuery2("SELECT content_id FROM xf_attachment", Null)
    Do While rs.NextRow
    Dim rs As ResultSet = sql.ExecQuery2($"SELECT title, post_id, message, node_id, xf_post.reaction_score
        , xf_post.username
        FROM xf_post, xf_thread
        WHERE xf_post.message_state='visible' AND position = 0 AND xf_thread.discussion_state='visible' AND xf_post.thread_id = xf_thread.thread_id AND
        (node_id = ? OR node_id = ? OR node_id = ? OR node_id = ?)"$, _
    Dim train As List
    Dim evaluate As List
    Dim counter As Int
    Do While rs.NextRow
        Dim doc As String = HandleDocument(rs)
        IIf(counter Mod 3 < 2, train, evaluate).As(List).Add(doc)
        counter = counter + 1
    Log("Size: " & evaluate.Size)
    Log("Size: " & train.Size)
    File.WriteList(File.DirApp, "train.txt", train)
    File.WriteList(File.DirApp, "test.txt", evaluate)
End Sub

Private Sub HandleDocument (rs As ResultSet) As String
    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    Dim sep As String = " "
    sb.Append(IIf(rs.GetInt("node_id") <> QUESTIONS_ID, "library", "question")).Append(sep)
    If postsWithAttachments.Contains(rs.GetInt("post_id")) Then sb.Append("~~~attachment~~~").Append(sep)
    If rs.GetInt("reaction_score") > 5 Then
    End If
    sb.Append(rs.GetString("username").Replace(" ", "_")).Append(sep)
    sb.Append(rs.GetString("message").Replace(Chr(10), sep).Replace(Chr(13), ""))
    Return sb.ToString
End Sub

Interesting points:
IIf(counter Mod 3 < 2, train, evaluate).As(List).Add(doc)
We are adding 2/3 of the documents to the train dataset and 1/3 of the documents to the evaluate (=test) dataset.
2. The author and title are added to the text.
3. I've tried to improve the results by adding more features. I've added two terms:
~~~attachment~~~ - post with attachment.
~~~reaction_score~~~ - post with 5 or more likes.
The improvement wasn't too significant. From an overall accuracy of 98.47% to 98.54% (don't be too impressed, read the whole post first).

Remember that when we later categorize a document we need to do the same thing, and add the author, title and the pseudo terms, when relevant.

97% of the documents are questions. This means that a useless algorithm that always returns "question" will have an accuracy of 97%.
The results of the evaluator are:
  Accuracy: 98.54%
|      Tag | Errors |  Count |   % Err | Precision | Recall | F-Measure |
|  library |    290 |    717 | 0.404   | 0.949     | 0.596  | 0.732     |
| question |     23 |  20667 | 0.001   | 0.986     | 0.999  | 0.992     |
We can see that when the detector marks a document as a library it is most probably a library (95%).
However, only 60% of the library documents were marked as a library.
Whether it is good enough or not depends on the use case.

Another thing to remember is that the evaluator doesn't tell us the actual scores. If the document score will be: 0.49 library and 0.51 question, then it will be treated as a question. In our app we can treat such cases differently and improve the recall on the expense of the precision.

You can see a usage of this model in the OpenNLP example. Note that the model used there doesn't include the pseudo terms.