B4R Question no commport on win11


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commport is there on teraterm and arduino.
this message comes:
[IDE message - 4:17:06]
Er is een fout opgetreden.
Er is een uitzondering opgetreden tijdens de bewerking waardoor het resultaat ongeldig is. Controleer InnerException voor details over de uitzondering.

When i run windows 10 on the same machine it works
Any idea?


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Check Windows Device Manager (Dutch: "Apparaatbeheer"). Do you see the com port in W11.
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If you can share (a part) of your code, I will try it on my W11 machine with an ESP8266 D1 mini
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Have you installed/updated the CH340 drivers if we are talking about an espressif chip?
I suppose yes from what I saw in a blink of an eye above. Why don't you try to uninstall and reinstall the latest version of CH340 drivers?
Can you check if it uses another usb to serial converter chip and maybe install drivers for this chip?
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Please ensure that only B4R IDE is open when you try to connect to the com port. Many times Arduino IDE remains connected to the same port if the program instance is not shut down.
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Arduino IDE remains connected to the same port
...if Monitor or Plotter is opened.
In whole - correct, it needs:

1) Make sure that the USB-UART bridge IC (of your board) driver is installed
2) Device manager of Windows OS should show it among COM-ports, when plugged in (without any yellow marks).
3) Any serial port monitor (one among all: B4R IDE, Monitor of Arduino IDE, any other app) can open the port and occupy it exclusively (other apps could not open it while it is occupied)
4) B4R IDE's Board selector is the final interface to select the port before compiling the B4R sketch.
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installed the CH340 drivers again. No success.
Arduino process is not running. Even after a reboot this issue persist
so far i remember this problem came after a win11 update some month ago.
I will try first some other way. I got here another Drive with W11 installed. Let's see how this works on the same computer.
It might be that W11 is corrupted in some way, as this drive came from a crashed laptop (cpu power problem) thus has forced rebooted many many times.
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COM-port visible in the Device Manager?
Speed of the port is chosen correctly in B4R's Board Selector and it's equal the speed in the B4R sketch ?
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commport is visible in device manager. This has been working some month ago. I also got suddenly a issue with Atmel/microchip studio. The programmer isnt recognized anymore. So i think or it was win11 update or due the fact that this drive has been used in a laptop who switched off many times something is corrupted in win11. Last try i can give is to install a other drive with win11 and see b4r works on this (new) computer
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sorry doesnt help. The commport is there. I can use the commport, only b4r doesnt show it in win11. Strangly i got a laptop with W11 installed. B4r works with the commport on that laptop
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This is how mine appears in device manager (different uart) on Windows 11

All I did was plug the USB lead into the esp8266 and windows loaded the driver.


Arduino IDE and B4R can see and use it.
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installed oracle virtualbox with win10 on win11 host. Installed arduino and B4r.... working. Port is recognized via virtual box.
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