B4J Question Non-UI application installation


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In order to understand how to install my "Console Non-UI" application in a LINUX environment, I loaded and installed the "curl" sample of this old thread :
I an running Windows 7 and JAVA is installed
I follow the process of the thread (java -cp <jar file> <package>.main <args>) and I got this error:

In a second time, I searchd in the forum, I found :
Non-UI applications will run with a double click on the compiled jar if Java is installed.
When I double clicked on "curl.jar", a cmd window opens briefly and then disappears but my file wasn't executed.
After searching on the Web, I also tried
java.exe –jar curl.jar
First time, I got the message "URL is missing" which comes from curl application when there is no argument
So I tried
java.exe –jar curl.jar http://www.example.com
and I got the error message :
could not find or load main class ?jar (note that the end is different that the first try)

Please could you tell me what is the good process forexecuting a non-UI application :
- under Windows
- in a second time, under Linux-Ubuntu (without B4A Bridge installed)


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Yes. Your command works in Windows/Java environment. Thanks

Please could you tell me how it would be possible to build a package with my jar file and all the necessary files (Java, I presume) in order to run on a LINUX system WITHOUT Java installed (something similar to the package which is built by B4J Packager) ?
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