Noob question?


New Member
Hi there,
I am trying to write a 'reminder app' for work.
Im a medic and ex-engineer so my coding is rusty!

I would like to be able to 'add' upto 20 patients, and for each patient i would like to be able to have a columng with a list of tests to be ordered. Then i would like another column that i can check off when the test itself is ordered. And finally i would like a third column that would show the results of the test, or even that i have actually checked that the test has been completed and that i have checked the result.

I was thinking about creating csv files for each patient. That would be straight forward enough...
Any advice?
SQL would probably be the best way to do it, but im very rusty at coding
Any help or advice appreciated!


Licensed User
Longtime User
Agree .. Sqlite coupled with a CustomListView would serve you well.

Cheers mj
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Licensed User
Longtime User
SQLite is the solution.

You could have a look at chapters
3 SQLite Database
4 DBUtils
in the User's Guide.

To show the data you have different solutions.
- ScrollView2D library, scrollable in both directions, you must create and fill the table yourself.
- Table class, using ScrollView2D, scrollable in both directions, if you are intersted in I have a version including a LoadSQLiteDB function (not yet published) which creates and fills the table.
- CustomListView class, scrolling only vertically, you must create and fill the table yourself.

To edit the data you need to create a second activity with EditText views and buttons to add, update or delete data.

Best regards.
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