I need my app to get all the contacts of the device and get the phone number of each one in E164 format. I assume the user could be anywhere in the world so is not "strip the first 0 and replace it with your country prefix" because I don't know for sure if each mobile number in the world starts with 0.
I've tried mixing this with this but I can't get it work it right. I'll explain:
First I've tried ContentResolver:
With this code, I get "duplicate" entries for each contact, not knowing for sure which entry corresponds to the E164 number and which one doesn't. Yes, at sight I could tell, but this is an example of what I get from one of my contacts (changing name and some numbers of course):
So I've tried a different approach: Using ContactsUtils to get each contact and, for each contact, try to get the data4. I have trouble with this, I'ts like the contact ID doesn't match the other ID:
So, I have the following code (I've switched from ContactUtils to contactresolver to make some tests). The idea is "Test" ask for all contacts and, for each one, I call a sub to get the data4 (e164 number) by the ID:
So, my problem is that most calls to GetNumeroNormalizado returns null (99%?) and, the few ones that doesn't, don't match the contact (I get a number from another person). This shouldn't be like this since the first method (the one where I get too much info) I get E164 numbers from most contacts and they correspond to the person.
I've tried replacing, in the last query, raw_contact_id for _id, but the same (or so).
I've read sometimes the data4 could be null, in that case I manually normalize it.
Also, I'd like to know how to filter the query contacts so I don't get stuff that are not numbers. I've tried filtering using ¿mimes? but I don't get the concept yet.
Thank you very much!
I need my app to get all the contacts of the device and get the phone number of each one in E164 format. I assume the user could be anywhere in the world so is not "strip the first 0 and replace it with your country prefix" because I don't know for sure if each mobile number in the world starts with 0.
I've tried mixing this with this but I can't get it work it right. I'll explain:
First I've tried ContentResolver:
Dim u As Uri
Dim i As Int
Dim PeopleProjection() As String = Array As String("display_name", "has_phone_number", "_id", "raw_contact_id", "photo_id", "data4", "data1")
Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(u, PeopleProjection, "has_phone_number = 1 AND data4 is not null and data1 is not null", Null, "")
For i = 0 To crsr.RowCount - 1
crsr.Position = i
Dim numE164 As String = crsr.GetString("data4")
Dim id As String = crsr.GetString("raw_contact_id")
Dim nombre As String = crsr.getstring("display_name")
Dim HasNumberFlag As String = crsr.GetString("has_phone_number")
Dim num As String = crsr.GetString("data1")
Log(id & ";" & nombre & ";" & HasNumberFlag & ";" & num & ";" & numE164)
With this code, I get "duplicate" entries for each contact, not knowing for sure which entry corresponds to the E164 number and which one doesn't. Yes, at sight I could tell, but this is an example of what I get from one of my contacts (changing name and some numbers of course):
575;John Doe;1;Jon;null
575;John Doe;1;[email protected];null
575;John Doe;1;20711095;+59820711095
575;John Doe;1;+52 1 980 115 7982;+5219801157982
575;John Doe;1;799828325;+59899828325
575;John Doe;1;John Doe;null
575;John Doe;1;gprofile:3705850875805387550;null
575;John Doe;1;gprofile:3705850875805387550;null
575;John Doe;1;8;null
575;John Doe;1;1;null
575;John Doe;1;;null
575;John Doe;1;https://plus.google.com/u/7/179007515925237739903;null
1828;John Doe;1;+5219801157982;+5219801157982
1828;John Doe;1;John Doe;null
1828;John Doe;1;[email protected];null
1828;John Doe;1;[email protected];null
So I've tried a different approach: Using ContactsUtils to get each contact and, for each contact, try to get the data4. I have trouble with this, I'ts like the contact ID doesn't match the other ID:
So, I have the following code (I've switched from ContactUtils to contactresolver to make some tests). The idea is "Test" ask for all contacts and, for each one, I call a sub to get the data4 (e164 number) by the ID:
Sub Test()
Dim u As Uri
Dim PeopleProjection() As String = Array As String("times_contacted", "last_time_contacted", "display_name", "has_phone_number", "starred", "_id", "photo_id")
Dim l As Long
Dim crsr As Cursor = cr.Query(u, PeopleProjection, "", Null, "")
For i = 0 To crsr.RowCount - 1
crsr.Position = i
l = crsr.GetString("_id")
Log(l & ";" & crsr.GetString("display_name") & ";" & GetNumeroNormalizado(l))
End Sub
Sub GetNumeroNormalizado(ContactoID As Long) As String
Dim u As Uri
Dim i As Int
Dim s As String
Dim PeopleProjection2() As String = Array As String("data4", "_id", "raw_contact_id", "display_name")
Dim crsr As Cursor = cr2.Query(u, PeopleProjection2, "raw_contact_id = ?", Array As String(ContactoID), "display_name")
For i = 0 To crsr.RowCount - 1
crsr.Position = i
s = crsr.GetString("data4")
Return s
End Sub
So, my problem is that most calls to GetNumeroNormalizado returns null (99%?) and, the few ones that doesn't, don't match the contact (I get a number from another person). This shouldn't be like this since the first method (the one where I get too much info) I get E164 numbers from most contacts and they correspond to the person.
I've tried replacing, in the last query, raw_contact_id for _id, but the same (or so).
I've read sometimes the data4 could be null, in that case I manually normalize it.
Also, I'd like to know how to filter the query contacts so I don't get stuff that are not numbers. I've tried filtering using ¿mimes? but I don't get the concept yet.
Thank you very much!