Share My Creation #Notes (Hashnotes-Notepad-Notes)


#Notes (HashNotes) is a simple, different but efficient Notepad Application (Notes)
It is flexible,very easy to use and adjustable to your own unique needs..Can be used to store/save all kind of notes needed in everyday file, all in one application!
Diary,memo writing,email,message,shopping list,todo list, payment list, due list and all kinds of useful notes can be organized in a way that works!

-Organize notes by multiple hashtags
-Maximum 100 different hashtags in each note
-Service Mode
-Black & White Theme
-Two Design Interfaces
-Relative Notes (When user reads a note, by pressing the LINK button, all similar notes appear!)
-HTML View
-GroupTags (combining many tags into one grouptag)
-AND/OR operator in searching through hashtags
-ASC/DEC (Sort Notes by Ascending or Descending Order Creation Date)
-ASC/DEC (Sort Notes by Title Alphabetical order)
-Accurate/Not Accurate Search
-Spinner to select HashTags from..
-#lock HashTag (Locks the note,needs password to open)
-#alert HashTag (Displays the note, when application opens)
-#R130829 HashTag (Displays the note,when application opens IF date is 29/08/13
-#R130829-XX HashTag (Note will appear on notelist when application opens ,XX days before 29/08/13 and every day until 29/08/13)
-#R130829+XX HashTag (Note will appear on notelist when application opens,every day starting from 29/08/13, for XX further days!
-Rmon HashTag (Note will appear on notelist only in Mondays) (other are mon tue wed..etc)
-Rsep HashTag (Note will appear on notelist only during Semtember) (other are feb,mar,apr,jun etc..)
-Auto#Date (Adds automatically date hashtag when note is created or modified
-Save Database (Save Database to external Card, backup)
-Load Database (Load Database from the external Card)
-New Database (Starts a new clean database)
-Change Master Password (Default is "pass")
-Export from #Notes to Text Files
-Import from text files to #Notes

Soon 1.5.0 Version will be on, with attachments to each note :)


  • Sc1.png
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  • Sc3.png
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Well tried tried.. removed the pictures..inserted them again.., the Thumbnail doesn't appear.. This is the app :) Made it for my own use,and decided to upload it :) Free to download :)
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Gabino A. de la Gala

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
First of all, thanks for your work.

I've detected a problem when press back button on edit mode of a note.

Appears a dialog with three options and when I select anyone of them, the application is stopped.

I have a Note 2.


Licensed User
Longtime User
First of all, thanks for your work.

I've detected a problem when press back button on edit mode of a note.

Appears a dialog with three options and when I select anyone of them, the application is stopped.

I have a Note 2.

There should be a confirmation dialog, Save your Current Note?, and the options are "No" "Cancel" and "Yes". Does this happen to every note you have? Please sent me more details, so i can check it , in case there is a bug to fix it :) (if you would like, please sent an email at [email protected])

Gabino A. de la Gala

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
The dialog appears, but after to select some of te options, the application crashes.

One more thing. The edit box to enter the filter appears with black background and then text is unreadable.

Sorry for my poor English.


Licensed User
Longtime User
The dialog appears, but after to select some of te options, the application crashes.

One more thing. The edit box to enter the filter appears with black background and then text is unreadable.

Sorry for my poor English.

I will check it both issues , i suppose you use the latest version 1.4.8, and not an older one !

Please go to settings, then press Save Database.
After press New/Clear Database..
Do the problems still exist?

Gabino A. de la Gala

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Version downloaded today from the market.

Delete DB don't fix the problems.

I changed to black skin and the problem with the edit persists.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Version downloaded today from the market.

Delete DB don't fix the problems.

I changed to black skin and the problem with the edit persists.

Thank you for all the information.. Lots of help will be if you can attach a screenshot of the problem, since i can't reproduce it, to the emulator... :)

Gabino A. de la Gala

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
The application was updated automatically this morning.

With this version, the edit problem was fixed.

Thanks for your work work.