Android Question Notify Icon always present


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How can I keep a notification always present at the top left without the possibility of deleting it (e.g. as B4A-Bridge)?


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Depending on the functionality of your app, I would say you need to look at setting the notification as 'OnGoing'. Or using a foreground service.
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Simple use notify when my app start (I use NB6)
Sub notifica
    Dim n As NB6
    n.Initialize("default", Application.LabelName, "DEFAULT").AutoCancel(False).SmallIcon(smiley)
    n.Build("POS SumUp", "CONNESSO", "tag1", Me).Notify(4) 'It will be Main (or any other activity) instead of Me if called from a service.
End Sub
but I don't want the notification cleared by the user.

I do not know OnGoing.
I could use a service?
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