Share My Creation Olympic Track Lane Distance Calculator

If you like to run or walk on an outdoor Olympic size or equivalent track, you can use this calculator to figure out the exact number of kilometers or miles you covered, whether you run or walk in the same lane or change lanes. It is particularly useful if you start at any given one of the eight lanes. They all have different lap lengths. For instance, you may want to run starting from the outer lane inward and change lane every lap in order to keep track of how many laps you ran.

The app has a very small footprint and only requires the built-in core library. Please check it out by installing the attached apk file which is only 114 KB. I really welcome any feedback and criticism to improve it or ditch it.



  • OlympicTrackLaneDistance.apk
    114.5 KB · Views: 374
  • OutDoorTrackLaneCalculator.jpg
    52.9 KB · Views: 423