I want to open 10 url in the activity with close button
I have created a layout with webview and close button
from the main activity i am passing the url to new activity
close button also works
dont know how do i open 10 urls which are in loop
For i =0 To books.Length -1
s10="https://xyz.com?text="& books(i).desc &"&url=" & books(i).url
I want to open 10 urls one by one in "web"
s10 i am using to pass values from one activity to other
I have created a layout with webview and close button
from the main activity i am passing the url to new activity
close button also works
dont know how do i open 10 urls which are in loop
For i =0 To books.Length -1
s10="https://xyz.com?text="& books(i).desc &"&url=" & books(i).url
I want to open 10 urls one by one in "web"
s10 i am using to pass values from one activity to other