Here's the code I'm using to open an image taken with the camera with the default gallery:
When I click the button, the gallery opens and then just force closes itself. I need to open the image in the gallery viewer so it has the options of the gallery. For example, the default installed gallery usually has the options to share, set as, or delete a photo and that's what I need.
Dim i As Intent
'i.Initialize(i.ACTION_VIEW, "/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20121027_205219.jpg")
i.Initialize(i.ACTION_VIEW, "mnt/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20121027_205219.jpg")
When I click the button, the gallery opens and then just force closes itself. I need to open the image in the gallery viewer so it has the options of the gallery. For example, the default installed gallery usually has the options to share, set as, or delete a photo and that's what I need.
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