It is a technical limitation. Java doesn't have an infix notation for power function.
It's not stupid, it's a design choice that was made for the Java language.That's pretty stupid.
Of course he does, as do I. The Basic4android IDE is written (mainly) in C#. As it happens, like Java, C, C++ and C# all lack the exponentiation operator and implement it as a function. In those languages "^" is used as a logical bitwise XOR operator.You use VB or C# .NET?
The Basic4android IDE is written (mainly) in C#
You have two options:
Or:B4X:x = Power(2, n)
B4X:x = Bit.ShiftLeft (1, n)
I just finished 20 years of teaching mathematics at a university in the US. You are being ridiculus. Learn to adapt.