B4J Tutorial Opus codec for B4J

Tested on Windows 10 and Linux Mint 21 with JDK 11. Should work with later JDK version hopefully.

1. Download file opus-jni-java-1.0.3.jar from GitHub to your B4J Additional Libraries folder.
2. Open this file as ZIP archive and extract from "native-binaries" subfolder appropriate file(s) for your operating system(s) to a directory of your choice. Here File.DirApp will be used.
3. Add to Region Project Attributes:
#AdditionalJar: opus-jni-java-1.0.3
4. Make sure that JavaObject library is included in your project.
5. Add the following text to the module where you want to use Opus codec:
#if JAVA
import net.labymod.opus.OpusCodec;
import net.labymod.opus.OpusCodecOptions;
import java.io.File;
public static Object CreateCodec() {
    OpusCodec codec = OpusCodec.newBuilder()
    return codec;
public static void LoadNativeLib(String dirName, String fileName) {
    System.load(new File(dirName, fileName).getAbsolutePath());
#end if
6. Adjust codec settings in the code above as you require. These settings must match audio system configuration in your project (mic and speaker). See Opus codec documentation.
7. Create codec object in Process_Globals:
Private Codec As JavaObject
8. Before using codec you need to load native library and execute CreateCodec method (in AppStart for example):
Dim jo As JavaObject = Me
jo.RunMethod("LoadNativeLib", Array As Object(File.DirApp, "opus-jni-native-64.dll"))    'For Windows
Codec = jo.RunMethod("CreateCodec", Null)
Instead of hardcoding native library filename you may use this sub:
Sub NativeLibName As String
    Dim osname As String = GetSystemProperty("os.name","-unknown").ToLowerCase
    Log("Running on " & osname)
    If osname.Contains("nux") Or osname.Contains("nix") Then
        Return "libopus-jni-native-64.so"
    else if osname.Contains("windows") Then
        Return "opus-jni-native-64.dll"
    else if osname.Contains("mac") Then
        Return "libopus-jni-native-64.dylib"
        Log("Unknown system !!!")
        Return ""
    End If
End Sub
9. Encode and decode your data. Input data size must be FrameSize * 2. Echo example (using jAudioRecord2):
Do While EchoOn
    Dim recData(320) As Byte    'For FrameSize 160
    Microphone.Read(recData, 0, recData.Length)
    Dim encData() As Byte = Codec.RunMethod("encodeFrame", Array As Object(recData))    'Encoding
    Dim decData() As Byte = Codec.RunMethod("decodeFrame", Array As Object(encData))    'Decoding
    Speaker.Write(decData, 0, decData.Length)
    Sleep(0)    'For UI to be responsive

Philip Prins

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Works with JDK19
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