outgoing call number


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:sign0085: I need to know what phone number called a user before the call begins. Use PhoneStateChanged but I have no information of the called number and Calllogs is updated after hanging up the call. On the forum I have seen is a complex issue but to anyone made ​​any progress? thanks


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Also need to know the call time elapsed during the call. Is there any way? thanks
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I searched online, and it seems that today with the Google API seems impossible. I've only seen code to hang up a call indiscriminately.

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I found this on the net: java - How to get outgoing call number in android? - Stack Overflow

First of all intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER) gives you outgoing number while phone state is idle and turns to "null" while phone status changes to OFF_HOOK.

The easiest way was to save the number before another onRecive happens.

in my case it was phone state as listed: idle > ringing > offhook > idle in first idle there was extra data with phone number

From my tests we get the offhook event directly. Is it possible to get those other events or is it not possible in Java?
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I found this "newbies way" to get outgoing call phone number, using broadcastreceiver v2.0 library:

create a service (I named it s11), using these lines of code:

Sub Process_Globals
   Dim broadcast As BroadCastReceiver
End Sub

Sub Service_Create
End Sub

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
End Sub

Sub BroadcastReceiver_OnReceive (Action As String,i As Object)
   Dim i2 As Intent
    i2 = i

   Dim X = i2.ExtrasToString
   Dim Z = X.IndexOf("NUMBER=")

   Dim y
   y = X.SubString2(Z+7,Z+24)
   y= y.Replace(" ","")
   y= y.Replace(",","") 
   y= y.Replace("a","")
   y= y.Replace("n","")
   y= y.Replace("d","")
   y= y.Replace("r","")
   y= y.Replace("o","")
   y= y.Replace("i","")
   y= y.Replace("d","")
   y= y.Replace(".","")
   End Sub

on manifest add these lines

AddReceiverText(s11, <intent-filter>
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL" /> 
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> 

So doing, you will be success to get the outgoing call number. On my example, it is y, and it will appear as a toastmessage on screen.

Kindly note: Probably a most experienced user, could try to get the outgoing call number on a "more professional way", directly from the extras intent, using something like

Dim Intent1 As Intent
Dim number As String
Intent1.Initialize(Action, "")
number= Intent1.GetExtra("PHONE_NUMBER")

But I was not success using this "more professional" way, due to my newbies status ;)
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You should be familiar with the sms interception sample project first, as indicated by Erel. Then you can try with the interception of an outgoing phone call. I can confirm that Erel advised you the best way to get it work.

You will need to create a service to listen to the new outgoing call and put this working code into your service module.

Sub Service_Start(startingIntent As Intent)
   If startingIntent.Action = "android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL" Then
      If startingIntent.HasExtra("android.intent.extra.PHONE_NUMBER") Then
         Dim myphone As String
         myphone = startingIntent.GetExtra("android.intent.extra.PHONE_NUMBER")
      End If
   End If
End Sub

It works for me 100%. See the outgoing call number in the log window.

But before debugging you will need also to add into the manifest editor the following:

AddReceiverText(intentsms, <intent-filter>
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL" /> 
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> 

Don't forget to change the name "intentsms" - which is the name of the service in my project - by the name of the service in your project.
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my question is little different:
it's possible to change number of outgoing call???
for example, if I compose the dial numer:"123456", before phone calls it, I can add to that number a prefix, like:"1234", so, the real call, will dial the composed number:
"1234 123456"?
thanks in advance!!!
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my question is little different:
it's possible to change number of outgoing call???
for example, if I compose the dial numer:"123456", before phone calls it, I can add to that number a prefix, like:"1234", so, the real call, will dial the composed number:
"1234 123456"?
thanks in advance!!!

how to insert this code into b4a???
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class OutgoingCallInterceptor extends BroadcastReceiver {                            // 1

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {                                 // 2
        final String oldNumber = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER);          // 3
        this.setResultData("0123456789");                                                   // 4
        final String newNumber = this.getResultData();
        String msg = "Intercepted outgoing call. Old number " + oldNumber + ", new number " + newNumber;
        Toast.makeText(context, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

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