Parsing Serial data


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Longtime User
Hello everyone,

I am building an application with "" as a foundation.
I can attach the code if required, but it differs little from the example (just removed stuff I didn't need).

I am successfully receiving data on the android device via the bluetooth serial interface from Arduino based hardware.

The data format is:

I am able to read & display each line as a string on the Android device without problems.

I would like to parse this data obviously.

I dont have much of a background with vb or b4a & I ususally find there is an 'easy way' after I do it the 'hard way'.
This process is pretty easy for a .csv file by using 'loadcsv', but, unless I write the serial stream to a file, then read & parse the file I don't believe I can use loadcsv for this application.

At this stage, I am going to read the data line into a char array, break the char array up by identifying the comma char and splitting the results up to individual char arrays (or strings maybe). I then have to convert the strings to floats (like C++ atoi or atof)
I am concerned there is a much simpler approach I am missing?

The incoming data format can also be changed easily if appropriate.
A possible option to fix this was to put a CRLF between each value. This would enable the data to be populated into a list pretty easily.

Ive found a number of XML parsing examples, but as these use a dedicated library I couldn't adapt it to my purpose.

I appreciate any advice you may offer.

Best wishes,



Licensed User
Longtime User
Follow up

Hi Everyone,
As I mentioned in the first post:

A possible option to fix this was to put a CRLF between each value. This would enable the data to be populated into a list pretty easily.

I did this & it became very easy to parse.
It is not the most elegant solution but it worked.

Erel, thanks for the Regex reference. I tried it before I posted, but my application of it was poor. I hadn't seen the Regex tutorial - I will try it again.


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