Since the latest update of B4A, there is a section of code relating to passing in a cursor as parameter that is no longer performing as it did in the past. The following line of code passes a cursor, map and spinner in as parameters to a "General Module" that then populates all the parameters and returns them to the original function (Note that "CursorScorerUmpire" is declared in Process_Globals):
The "General Module" code header is as follows:
Once the Cursor, Spinner and Map are populated by running a DB query in the code above, the objects are passed back to the original Sub. At that point I run the following code to check if the Cursor Recordset does contain any information:
It's at this point that I receive an error stating that the "CursorScorerUmpire" cursor has not been initialized (There is definitely data in the Recordset when it passes through the "General Module"). In the past there would be no such issue. Is it now not possible to pass in Cursor's as a parameter, and what is the underlying reason for this?
modGeneral.QueryScorerUmpire(CursorScorerUmpire, spnUmpire2, MapScorerUmpire, NewGame.TheServerRegionID, "Please select an Umpire")
The "General Module" code header is as follows:
Sub QueryScorerUmpire(CursorScorerUmpire As Cursor, SpnScorerUmpire As Spinner, mapScorerUmpire As Map, RegionID As Int, HintText As String)
Once the Cursor, Spinner and Map are populated by running a DB query in the code above, the objects are passed back to the original Sub. At that point I run the following code to check if the Cursor Recordset does contain any information:
If CursorScorerUmpire.RowCount = 0 Then
It's at this point that I receive an error stating that the "CursorScorerUmpire" cursor has not been initialized (There is definitely data in the Recordset when it passes through the "General Module"). In the past there would be no such issue. Is it now not possible to pass in Cursor's as a parameter, and what is the underlying reason for this?