'Generates a SHA512 hash of a string based on a given salt
Public Sub SHA512Hash(StringToHash As String, Salt() As Byte) As Byte()
Dim bc As ByteConverter
Dim md As MessageDigest
Dim pHashedString() As Byte = md.GetMessageDigest(StringToHash.GetBytes("UTF8"), "SHA-512")
Dim pHashAndSalt(pHashedString.Length + Salt.Length) As Byte
bc.ArrayCopy(pHashedString , 0, pHashAndSalt, 0, pHashedString.Length)
bc.ArrayCopy(Salt, 0, pHashAndSalt, pHashedString.Length, Salt.Length)
Return md.GetMessageDigest(pHashAndSalt, "SHA-512")
End Sub
'Generates a random salt
Public Sub RandomSalt() As Byte()
Dim salt(48) As Byte
Dim sr As SecureRandom
Return salt
End Sub
'Compares a given hash with a generated one based on the given string and salt
Public Sub SHA512VerifyHash(StringToVerify As String, Salt() As Byte, ComparableHash() As Byte) As Boolean
Dim result As Boolean = False
Dim hashToVerify() As Byte = SHA512Hash(StringToVerify, Salt)
If hashToVerify.Length = ComparableHash.Length Then
result = True
For i = 0 To hashToVerify.Length - 1
If hashToVerify(i) <> ComparableHash(i) Then
result = False
End If
End If
Return result
End Sub
*You need ByteConverter and Encryption library