B4J Question [RDC] retrieving a byte array (Salt) from the DB and "seeing" it


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Longtime User
Hi guys

I created a very small sub to create test Users into my DataBase.Login table.
The columns are Username, EMail, Salt, Hash.
Using Heidi I can see the columns contents, including the byte arrays(?) from the Salt and Hash fields.

I then created a sub to retrieve the Salt for that User, using the username and EMail fields as search criteria.
The sub returns successfully one (1) record, which is what I want, but I just can't find a way to either test the retrieved bytes length, nor to convert them to a "visible" format...
Since I am "throwing" the retrieved value from one module into another, I need to make sure of the bytes integrity...

but just assigning the value is throwing me a cast exception!


java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to [Byte]

From what I can figure, apparently I am NOT getting the Byte from my table... but then, what am I getting and why?


so after a few more minutes digging into this, and changing from "result.columns.get...." to "result.rows.get(0)" I am now getting something, apparently an Object...
But I don't get it, how do I get my bytes???
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I remember once i stored bytes into my DB, when i tried to retrieve them i had a lot of problems, the way i found to solve the issue was to convert the bytes to a string and then store it in the database.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
 Dim salts As StringBuilder
 For Each b As Byte In salt
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have used blobs to store and retrieve images using the built-in blobtoimage/imagetoblob subs...
I am storing the salt as VarBinary with a size of 255, and Heidi seems to internally convert it to hex for easy "viewing" of contents.

I will try @Daestrum approach to see if it's doable and post my results later tonight...
Now it's time for my day job!
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