How find direct path to open the resolution & quality settings for camera ?
Or how can I display all resolutions in a panel ? (not step by step with btnPictureSize_Click)
Or how can I display all resolutions in a panel ? (not step by step with btnPictureSize_Click)
Sub btnPictureSize_Click
Dim pictureSizes() As CameraSize = camEx.GetSupportedPicturesSizes
Dim current As CameraSize = camEx.GetPictureSize
For i = 0 To pictureSizes.Length - 1
If pictureSizes(i).Width = current.Width And pictureSizes(i).Height = current.Height Then Exit
Dim ps As CameraSize = pictureSizes((i + 1) Mod pictureSizes.Length)
camEx.SetPictureSize(ps.Width, ps.Height)
ToastMessageShow(ps.Width & "x" & ps.Height, False)
End Sub
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