Hi! I've made an app with media player to reproduce some mp4 videos.
I need to stop the playback from 8:00 pm to 7:00 am of the next day, so I tried to do this:
the problem is that, when the time is 9:00 pm for example (start = 7 and stop=8) the loop with
starts correctly but it takes 90% of CPU usage and, after some time, crashes the app...
tried also with timer (calling a timer of 60000 milliseconds=1 minute) until the start time but it was the same...
also using only loop without log
any ideas?
thanks, cirollo
I need to stop the playback from 8:00 pm to 7:00 am of the next day, so I tried to do this:
If DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now).SubString2(0,2) >= start And DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now).SubString2(0,2) < stop Then
'facciamo partire un timer finchè non è orario
Do While DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now).SubString2(0,2) < start Or DateTime.Time(DateTime.Now).SubString2(0,2) > stop
End If
the problem is that, when the time is 9:00 pm for example (start = 7 and stop=8) the loop with
starts correctly but it takes 90% of CPU usage and, after some time, crashes the app...
tried also with timer (calling a timer of 60000 milliseconds=1 minute) until the start time but it was the same...
also using only loop without log
any ideas?
thanks, cirollo