PhoneEvents problems? (SmsSentStatus)


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I'm having problems using the PhoneEvents object. I have an activity and a service module.

A1) When a button is pressed in the main activity - the service is started

S1) When the service starts, it initialize PhoneEvent to monitor sending SMS then calls "Do_Send" in main

A2) Do_Send send the sms (which the service should "capture")

S2) when the SmsSentStatus event fires, it updates some global vars and calls "smsfollow" in main

A3) smsfollow displays msgbox, stops the service and finish the activity.

As it happens, the SMS is sent, but SmsSentStatus seems not to be fired.

Attached is the project.


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Toast didn't help. The _SmsSentStatus never fired as there's nothing on the log from the event sub.
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Looking at your code, it seems like the service has just died away.
It processes Service_Create and Service_Start, and then it has nothing else to do, so it probably gets destroyed.
Is it getting destroyed?
...sorry for asking questions, im not at my computer otherwise i would check myself
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pls explain.
I pressed the back key after a very long wait for the service to do it's job (and fire the _SmsDelivered event). Only after a few minutes, when there's nothing on the log from the event, and needless to say, loooong after the SMS was received at the other phone, did I quit the app by the back key, thus destroying the service.

Shouldn't the service fire the _SmsDelivered event (and put something on the log) once the SMS is sent?
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I don't "care" about the SmsDelivered for now (no sub for it). What I'm worried is that the SmsSentStatus NEVER fires, even when the activity (and thus the service is working) is in foreground. The Log stmts in the SmsSentStatus do NOT produce any log output, also no log is produced from sub smsfollow (in main) which is called from the SmsSentStatus event sub.
When and how is SmsSentStatus fired?
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This is what I got when I ran your program:
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **

** Activity (main) Resume **
** Service (smsmod) Create *
service created
** Service (smsmod) Start **
service start
service event 0123456789===OK...true
service event, delivered=1
going to stop service....
** Service (smsmod) Destroy **
service destroy
** Activity (main) Pause, UserClosed = true **
Make sure that the phone library version is 1.60.
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note: Yesterday got the problems (b4a 1.6, phone 1.55), Today worked (b4a 1.7, phone 1.6) :)

I got SmsSentStatus to work, but:

I call smsmsg.Send twice in a loop with 2 different phone numbers in the main activity
Dim smsmsg As PhoneSms
Dim i As Int
For i=0 To telmap.Size-1
  Log("do send to " & telmap.GetValueAt(i))

in the service I have:
Sub zzz_SmsSentStatus(Success As Boolean, ErrorMessage As String, PhoneNumber As String, Intent As Intent)
Log("service event " & PhoneNumber & "===" & ErrorMessage & "..." & Success)
End Sub

the log shows that the service event is called twice BUT with the same number (2nd number)
do send to 11111111  <=== changed for posting here
do send to 22222222  <=== changed for posting here

service event 22222222===OK...true
service event 22222222===OK...true

The sms is sent to the 2 different numbers.
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phone 1.6 seems to do the trick, event fired!

You will need to wait for the first message to be sent and then send the second one. Otherwise you will only get the status of the last sent message.
Ok, gotcha, thx
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sending the SMSs one-by-one and waiting for the event works fine, thx.

Another question on the subject:
Dim c As PhoneCalls
Dim s As PhoneSms
s.Send("0123456789","hello there")

the phone call is shown later on the phone's call log, but there's no sign of the SMS sent in "messaging" application, why?
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Hi boten,

sending the SMSs one-by-one and waiting for the event works fine, thx.

Erel wrote:
You should call Service.StartForeground to prevent it from being destroyed.

I do not know how it works, how you did it?

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sending the SMSs one-by-one and waiting for the event works fine, thx.
Could please someone explain, how to do that?

For example, the app has to send 3 SMS to three different phone numbers.

After sending the first, how can I manage that the app waits for the SMSsent event before continuing with the next SMS send job?


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Thanks, that will help!

Best regards,


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