My PhoneLib from the old forum ... can be used with PPC-smartphones to initiate phone calls and retrieve the call log. Only CF 1.0 required. Online help is included in the zip file. I added a new function to check the phone capability of the PDA.
Best wishes,
Best wishes,
Sub Globals
End Sub
Sub App_Start
' add and initialize a phone object
AddObject("ph1", "Phone")
' query phonelib version
MsgBox(ph1.PhoneLibVersion,"PhoneLib version")
' check phone capability
MsgBox(ph1.PhoneAvailable,"Phone available")
' query number of call log entries
x = ph1.NumCallLogEntries
MsgBox(x, "Number of CallLogEntries")
' retrieve all call log entries
if x > 0 then
for y = 1 to x
MsgBox(ph1.GetCallLogEntry(y),"CallLogEntry #" & y)
end if
' initiate a phone call
if ph1.MakeCall("12345", "test", true) = false then Msgbox("Error", "MakeCall")
End Sub