Android Question Photo file locations on a device


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I'm doing an app that will store a picture with some records in a database. If a user shoots a picture on their phone, where does it get stored? Does it get stored internally or on the SD card? If they choose to use that file, can I retrieve that photo file and store it myself on internal storage? Or should I even do so?

If you call for an image file, and it isn't there, what error or proc do you get and respond to?

I'm assuming (although that's a dangerous thing lol) that photos are usually saved on the SD card. Does the user have a choice on the phone of where photos are saved when they're taken? I know I can save a URL for a photo that's on the web... but I want to know how to handle pictures taken for the purpose of my app...

I don't have an android device right now, so I can't test this myself.


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OK, thanks, I'll play with that Erel...

How do I trap file errors like if that picture has been deleted from the user's system/device?
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Thanks but that really wasn't the question!

If the user has selected a photo, and I've stored the location, and then the user deletes that photo, either deliberately or inadvertently, what specific messages will my app get when it tries to access a photo that's no longer there?
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If you want to load an image without checking if the file exists before you load it then you will get an Exception FILE NOT FOUND.
It´s always better to do a File.Exists(dir, file) before when you want to load an saved imagename.
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Thanks Manfred... That helps...
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