Android Question Pinch/Zoom and Swipe Left/Right on Imageview


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Hi all, I am trying to implement Pinch/Zoom and Swipe Left/Right on an Imageview (full screen).

Basically have a bunch of images and want to be able to swipe left/right to prior or next image and also zoom/pinch the current image. I can do the Pinch/Zoom on the Imageview but cannot find a way to Swipe.

I can swipe Left/Right on a Panel view and that panel could have the image loaded but the Pinch/Zoom appears to only support the Imageview.

Is it possible to do what I want? I would have thought so but as yet I have not been able to find an answer but am sure one exists ;-)

Note: Zoom/Pinch via PinchandZoom Library
Swipe Left/Right via Gestures Library
B4a version 6.50

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