Playing midi notes


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I want to make a chord program.

Some or all pda have a 40 polyphonic midi output

How to play notes on the pda


A want to play single notes from program not a midi file

any suggestions ware welcome



Licensed User
Longtime User
There was once in the download site a program that played like a small piano.
Ask Erel to send it to you.


Well-Known Member
Licensed User

I tried that...

Unfortunately they are for some old version of Basic4PPC (I guess) with which 6.90 is not backwards compatible. So I did my best to transfer the guts of Piano4.sbp into a new 6.90 source, only to find that multiple Subs seem to be missing, without which I don't think the program is going to be useful. (E.g. drawboard and dibujaNotas. The latter suggests that it would be useful to speak a S European language!)

Pity, those programs look interesting...

Meanwhile I have discovered the shareware MIDI annotator and player "MidNote" and paid a modest $15 to purchase it.
