Please help me!


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I have this problem,
A few weeks ago I installed windows 8 and updating my Android App.
I noticed that in the Custom Dialog did not work anymore the event Spin1_itemclick.
I tried to install on my smartphone an old . Apk and it works.
but if ricompile the code no longer works.
I can not find the solution, does anyone have an idea?
can be a problem of windows 8?
Because the event spin1_itemclick is activated, I have to close and reopen the Custom Dialog.

Thank You in advance!
Sub spin1_itemclick(position As Int,value As Object)
End Sub

Sub SpinMessaggio
spintesto = spin1.GetItem(spinindex)
If spinindex=0 OR  spinindex= 2 OR spinindex= 3 OR spinindex= 4 OR spinindex=6  Then
LbScelta.Text= Main.Dlg33 &  spintesto.SubString(3)'Scrivere parte del
If spinindex=1 Then
LbScelta.Text=Main.Dlg34 &  spintesto.SubString(3)'Scrivere parte dell'
If spinindex=5 Then
LbScelta.Text=Main.Dlg33 &  spintesto.SubString(3)'Scrivere parte del

End If
End If
End If
End Sub


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Are you sure you're not missing an external library from the library folder or perhaps the java SDK files after a new OS install? Maybe it's some external library you have used in your old code and missing now?
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thanks for the reply
I do not know what to think,
The folder Basic4Android is installed on drive D: with the libraries and has remained as such.
I installed the java idk 7
I can not figure out what may be missing.
The problem occurs even if I write a new app from scratch so I have to be something in the configuration but I have no idea.
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Pretty weird indeed. I just recently (a few days ago) upgraded my W7 from my work laptop to Win8 and had no problem. At first the new Win8 firewall wanted to block all java activity but when I allowed them, all works fine. Both old programs and new ones compile without any problems.

What kind of error message does your compiler actually gives when trying to compile? Also, is it just the spin element and click that is not working or some others too?

- Wid
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Thanks for the reply,
It does not work the event spinner_item click listview and also in the Custom Dialog unless it closes the modal window. As Erel said the problem is Android 4.04 can not handle events while a modal dialog is visible.
That's why the old apk worked
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