I have this problem,
A few weeks ago I installed windows 8 and updating my Android App.
I noticed that in the Custom Dialog did not work anymore the event Spin1_itemclick.
I tried to install on my smartphone an old . Apk and it works.
but if ricompile the code no longer works.
I can not find the solution, does anyone have an idea?
can be a problem of windows 8?
Because the event spin1_itemclick is activated, I have to close and reopen the Custom Dialog.
Thank You in advance!
I have this problem,
A few weeks ago I installed windows 8 and updating my Android App.
I noticed that in the Custom Dialog did not work anymore the event Spin1_itemclick.
I tried to install on my smartphone an old . Apk and it works.
but if ricompile the code no longer works.
I can not find the solution, does anyone have an idea?
can be a problem of windows 8?
Because the event spin1_itemclick is activated, I have to close and reopen the Custom Dialog.
Thank You in advance!
Sub spin1_itemclick(position As Int,value As Object)
End Sub
Sub SpinMessaggio
spintesto = spin1.GetItem(spinindex)
If spinindex=0 OR spinindex= 2 OR spinindex= 3 OR spinindex= 4 OR spinindex=6 Then
LbScelta.Text= Main.Dlg33 & spintesto.SubString(3)'Scrivere parte del
If spinindex=1 Then
LbScelta.Text=Main.Dlg34 & spintesto.SubString(3)'Scrivere parte dell'
If spinindex=5 Then
LbScelta.Text=Main.Dlg33 & spintesto.SubString(3)'Scrivere parte del
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
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