iOS Question Porting Class Youtube from B4A to B4i


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I would like to make available the Youtube V3 class of the existing library currently in B4a (Library YouTube V3) in order to have a compatible class (B4X) for B4A / B4i.
The class works perfectly in the B4A environment but in B4i I have the following error:

The code is:

'Class module
Private Sub Class_Globals
    Type SearchVideo( _
       publishedAt(100) As String, title(100) As String, description(100) As String, _
      urlpicture(100) As String, urldefaultpicture(100) As String, urlmediumpicture(100) As String, idVideo(100) As String, totalResults As Int, TotalChannel As Int, _
      nextpage(100) As String, prevpage(100) As String )


    Private SVideo As SearchVideo
End Sub

Public Sub SearchVideo(maxresult As Int, search As String, order As String, regionCode As String, videoDuration As String, Module As Object, EventName As String )
    Dim su As StringUtils
    search = su.EncodeUrl(search, "UTF8")
    SVideo.Initialize  '<----- THE ERROR IS HERE
    If order = "" Then
        order = "relevance"
    End If
    If videoDuration = "" Then
        videoDuration = "any"
    End If
    If regionCode = "" Then
        Dim job1 As HttpJob
        job1.Initialize("searchvideo1", Me)
        job1.Download(",snippet&order="& order &"&maxResults="& maxresult &"&videoDuration="& videoDuration &"&q="& search &"&key=" & keyvalue)
        Dim job1 As HttpJob
        job1.Initialize("searchvideo1", Me)
        job1.Download(",snippet&order="& order &"&maxResults="& maxresult &"&videoDuration="& videoDuration &"&regionCode="& regionCode &"&q="& search &"&key=" & keyvalue)
    End If
'    Dim job1 As HttpJob
    '    job1.Initialize("search", Me)
'    job1.Download(",snippet&maxResults="& maxresult &"&q="& search &"&key=" & keyvalue)
    'job1.GetRequest.SetHeader("Accept", "application/json")
    MN = Module
    EN = EventName
End Sub

Simply when i initialize
Any help ?
Thank you
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