I have a function like this, my app connect to an internal API, but the is protected by VPN then is not avalaible on everytime.
My problem come from there, if the user try to download data from API but don't have VPN connected or no internet the httpJob persist on background, the user continue working on other activities.
But when the httpjob release by timeout, the activty source of the request bring to the front.
If the user touch the button download 10 times, are 10 timeouts, 10 bring to the front.
The app not crash and not blocked, but is no very nice for the user, if you are making something and bring other activities without any aparent reason.
I have 1 layout per activity, something like this:
Activity = act_report
Layout = frm_report
My problem come from there, if the user try to download data from API but don't have VPN connected or no internet the httpJob persist on background, the user continue working on other activities.
But when the httpjob release by timeout, the activty source of the request bring to the front.
If the user touch the button download 10 times, are 10 timeouts, 10 bring to the front.
The app not crash and not blocked, but is no very nice for the user, if you are making something and bring other activities without any aparent reason.
I have 1 layout per activity, something like this:
Activity = act_report
Layout = frm_report
Sub func_downloadsomething
Dim Servidor As String
Dim Puerto As String
Servidor = ""
Puerto = "8888"
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
Log("Conexiión a Equipo remoto")
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
'Download something
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim root As List = parser.NextArray
For Each colroot As Map In root
HOUR_START = colroot.Get("HOUR_START")
ID = colroot.Get("ID")
DATE1 = colroot.Get("DATE1")
lista.AddTwoLines(ID, "Fecha: "&DATE1.SubString2(0, 10)&" Hora: "&HOUR_START)
End If
End Sub