Android Question Problem after upgrading SDK files.


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Longtime User

I am making a program and after upgrading the SDK files with SDK manager only thing I get is black screen on emulator or error(with debug rapid).
I have installed b4a again. I have made emulator again.

Other programs work well and also my previous one. Only difference that I am now thinking of is RDC.
Program works Ok with second system when tried(without upgrading).
Any ideas?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Emulator is working nicely now when using intel atom based emulator.

Black screen continues when installing it to the real phone.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
After upgrading these i got black screen in second system as well!
I have used android-21\android.jar so something is changed

- Android SDK Tools, revision 24.2
- Android TV ARM EABI v7a System Image, Android API 21, revision 3
- Android TV Intel x86 Atom System Image, Android API 21, revision 3
- Android Wear ARM EABI v7a System Image, Android API 21, revision 3
- Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image, Android API 21, revision 3
- ARM EABI v7a System Image, Android API 21, revision 3
- Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image, Android API 21, revision 3
- Intel x86 Atom System Image, Android API 21, revision 3
- Google APIs (x86 System Image), Android API 19, revision 13
- Google APIs (ARM System Image), Android API 19, revision 13
- Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image, Google Inc. API 21, revision 5
- Google APIs Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image, Google Inc. API 21, revision 5
- Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image, Google Inc. API 21, revision 5
- Android Support Library, revision 22.1.1
- Google Play services, revision 24
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Yes I got it sorted... because I use appcompat and support library was updated:

From appcompat thread:
  1. Copy the android-support-v4.jar and android-support-v7-appcompat.jar which can be found in <Android SDK-Base>\android-sdk\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\libs to your custom libs folder

  1. Important Information about Support library version 22.1 and up
    If you upgrade to the support library v22.1 or above you may run into the following exception:

    Causedby: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:AppCompat does not support the current theme features
    This is because AppCompat in this version (and above) is more strict than before. I think it happens only if you set a ToolBar as ActionBar. The solution is to use a NoActionBar theme as a parent in your custom theme or disable the ActionBar in the theme:

    1. Use a NoActionBar theme like Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar

    2. Use something like this in your Theme:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="MyAppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="colorPrimary">#FF9800</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">#F57C00</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">#FFA726</item>
    <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
    This should fix the issue.
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