Android Question Problem text placement in BBCodeView

RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Just started to use BBCodeView as it seems very nice and useful indeed.
Nearly all worked out now, but don't quite understand how the placement of text works.

This is the string passed to the BBCodeView:

    strPrompt =    $"[TextSize=18]This allows you to run quickly through
a list of patients by clicking the
[TextSize=24][Vertical=3][FontAwesome=0xF0D8/][/Vertical][TextSize=18] and [TextSize=24][Vertical=3][FontAwesome=0xF0D7/][/Vertical][TextSize=18] buttons on various pages.

Start will start this option.
Stop will stop it.

The height of the final text in the BBCodeView is determined by this function:

Public Sub MeasureTextHeightBBCodeView(vParent As B4XView, strCodeText As String, iWidth As Int, arrPadding() As Int) As Int
    Dim TextEngine As BCTextEngine
    Dim iContentHeight As Int

    BBCodeView1.mBase.Width = iWidth
    BBCodeView1.Padding.Left = arrPadding(0)
    BBCodeView1.Padding.Top = arrPadding(1)
    BBCodeView1.Padding.Right = arrPadding(2)
    BBCodeView1.Padding.Bottom = arrPadding(3)
    BBCodeView1.TextEngine = TextEngine

    BBCodeView1.Text = strCodeText
    If BBCodeView1.Paragraph.IsInitialized Then
        iContentHeight = BBCodeView1.Paragraph.Height / TextEngine.mScale + BBCodeView1.Padding.Top + BBCodeView1.Padding.Bottom
    End If
    Return iContentHeight
End Sub

And this is the relevant code that handles it and shows the dialog:

    If tDP.bPrompt Then
        'this will be the same as tDP.iPromptHeight as determined by GetDialogParams
        Log("BBCodeView content height: " & cMP.MeasureTextHeightBBCodeView(Parent, strPrompt, Parent.Width - 10dip, arrPromptPadding))
        bbcvPrompt.TextEngine = TextEngine
        bbcvPrompt.mBase.SetColorAndBorder(iPromptColour, 1dip, iBorderColour, 2dip)
        bbcvPrompt.mBase.Height = tDP.iScrollViewHeight 'this is the visible height of the old plain prompt view
        bbcvPrompt.mBase.Top = tDP.iPromptTop
        bbcvPrompt.mBase.Width = tDP.iScrollViewWidth 'this is same as tDP.iPromptWidth
        'these next 2 lines are needed to get the text placement in bbcvPrompt OK = 4dip = 4dip
        'Private arrPromptPadding() As Int = Array As Int(4dip, 4dip, 4dip, 4dip)
        bbcvPrompt.Padding.Left = arrPromptPadding(0)
        bbcvPrompt.Padding.Top = arrPromptPadding(1)
        bbcvPrompt.Padding.Right = arrPromptPadding(2)
        bbcvPrompt.Padding.Bottom = arrPromptPadding(3)
        'This is the way to set the BBCodeView background'
        'bbcvPrompt.mBase.Color = iPromptColour >> set already in bbcvPrompt.mBase.SetColorAndBorder = iPromptColour = iPromptColour
        If tDP.bcsPrompt Then
            bbcvPrompt.Text = csPrompt 'this won't happen
            bbcvPrompt.Text = strPrompt
        End If
        'get rid of the click sound as there will be nil clickable
        Dim jo As JavaObject = bbcvPrompt.mBase
        jo.RunMethod("setSoundEffectsEnabled", Array(False))
    End If 'If tDP.bPrompt

To make the text placement OK I need the 2 lines that set the top and left of the BBCodeView scrollview.
Leaving those lines out will make the text too close to the left and to the top as shown in the attached 2 images.

Any suggestion how to improve on this and not need those 2 lines to place the scrollview?



  • BBCodeViewTextPlacementOK.png
    191.5 KB · Views: 61
  • BBCodeViewTextPlacementWrong.png
    191.1 KB · Views: 68

William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I found it hard to replicate your problem, but I hope this will help you. This is my regular popup note using BBCodeView.
It is in B4J B4XPages, but works also in B4A standard template.


Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Private notePnl As B4XView
    Private BBCodeView1 As BBCodeView            'in designer fill parent, color transparent, no border
    Private TextEngine1 As BCTextEngine
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    notePnl = xui.CreatePanel("note")
    notePnl.Visible = False
    Root.AddView(notePnl, 100, 100, 400, 600)
    notePnl.LoadLayout("bbcv")   'a generic view that fills the panel
    BBCodeView1.TextEngine = TextEngine1 = xui.Color_Yellow, 1, xui.Color_RGB(200, 200, 200), 3)
    BBCodeView1.mBase.Visible = False
    #If B4J"NEVER")   'only needed for B4J
    #End If
    Dim padding As B4XRect
    padding.Initialize(4, 4, 4, 4)
    BBCodeView1.Padding = padding        'part of this BBCodeView1 independent of text contents
    Sleep(2000)            'popup note after 2 seconds for testing
    popupNote($"This is the easiest part${CRLF}${CRLF}[Alignment=Center](touch here to close note)[/Alignment]"$)
End Sub

Private Sub popupNote(s As String)
    BBCodeView1.text = "[TextSize=18][Color=Blue]" & s & "[/Color][/TextSize]"
    'adjust note panel To txt height
    notePnl.Height = BBCodeView1.Paragraph.Height / TextEngine1.mScale + BBCodeView1.Padding.Top + 2 * BBCodeView1.Padding.Bottom
    BBCodeView1.mBase.Visible = True
    notePnl.Visible = True
    wait for Note_Closed
    'repeat for testing
    Sleep(2000)            'popup note after 2 seconds for testing
    popupNote($"This is the easiest part${CRLF}${CRLF}[Alignment=Center](touch here to close note)[/Alignment]"$)
End Sub

#If B4J
Private Sub note_MouseClicked(Ev As MouseEvent)
    notePnl.Visible = False
    CallSubDelayed(Me, "Note_Closed")
End Sub
#Else if B4A
Private Sub note_Click
    notePnl.Visible = False
    CallSubDelayed(Me, "Note_Closed")
End Sub
#End If
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RB Smissaert

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I found it hard to replicate your problem, but I hope this will help you. This is my regular popup note using BBCodeView.
It is in B4J B4XPages, but works also in B4A standard template.

View attachment 141629
Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Private notePnl As B4XView
    Private BBCodeView1 As BBCodeView            'in designer fill parent, color transparent, no border
    Private TextEngine1 As BCTextEngine
End Sub

Public Sub Initialize
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    notePnl = xui.CreatePanel("note")
    notePnl.Visible = False
    Root.AddView(notePnl, 100, 100, 400, 600)
    notePnl.LoadLayout("bbcv")   'a generic view that fills the panel
    BBCodeView1.TextEngine = TextEngine1 = xui.Color_Yellow, 1, xui.Color_RGB(200, 200, 200), 3)
    BBCodeView1.mBase.Visible = False
    #If B4J"NEVER")   'only needed for B4J
    #End If
    Dim padding As B4XRect
    padding.Initialize(4, 4, 4, 4)
    BBCodeView1.Padding = padding        'part of this BBCodeView1 independent of text contents
    Sleep(2000)            'popup note after 2 seconds for testing
    popupNote($"This is the easiest part${CRLF}${CRLF}[Alignment=Center](touch here to close note)[/Alignment]"$)
End Sub

Private Sub popupNote(s As String)
    BBCodeView1.text = "[TextSize=18][Color=Blue]" & s & "[/Color][/TextSize]"
    'adjust note panel To txt height
    notePnl.Height = BBCodeView1.Paragraph.Height / TextEngine1.mScale + BBCodeView1.Padding.Top + 2 * BBCodeView1.Padding.Bottom
    BBCodeView1.mBase.Visible = True
    notePnl.Visible = True
    wait for Note_Closed
    'repeat for testing
    Sleep(2000)            'popup note after 2 seconds for testing
    popupNote($"This is the easiest part${CRLF}${CRLF}[Alignment=Center](touch here to close note)[/Alignment]"$)
End Sub

#If B4J
Private Sub note_MouseClicked(Ev As MouseEvent)
    notePnl.Visible = False
    CallSubDelayed(Me, "Note_Closed")
End Sub
#Else if B4A
Private Sub note_Click
    notePnl.Visible = False
    CallSubDelayed(Me, "Note_Closed")
End Sub
#End If
Thanks, the problem was the way the padding of the BBCodeView was set.

It should be:

        Dim rectPadding As B4XRect
        rectPadding.Initialize(arrPromptPadding(0), arrPromptPadding(1), arrPromptPadding(2), arrPromptPadding(3))
        bbcvPrompt.Padding = rectPadding

And the same in the function that measures the paragraph text height.
All working fine now, without changing the position of the BBCodeView scrollview.

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