Android Question Problem using videomjpeg library


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Hi there.
I'm searching a solution to integrate an ip camera into my project.
I'm using the videomjpeg library and the first exemple with some litle modifications.
Into my project the manifest is
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="14"/>
, and into the exemple of videomjpeg library the manifest is
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" />

If i'm using targetSdkVersion="14", i'm getting an error, and i have to use this targer because thedesign of my app is changing whithout this.


B4X founder
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This library is not built correctly... It should handle the stream with a background thread.

I plan to create a similar library myself however it will only happen after the release of the next version.

It is possible to allow networking on the main thread. I'm not sure whether this library allows it: [Lib] StrictMode

Please check it. If not I will help you with some reflection code that does it.
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EREL You are THE BEST. This solved my problem. It's so good to have someone like you to guide us.
In my project i'm sending TCP/IP commands to an relayboard. Usualy this is very fast, instantanely. But, when the camera is on, the actions on the relayboard are slow, two seconds late.
Anyway, this works for the moment. I will wait your future library for a better solution.
I think this library is desired for many people. It will help us all .
Why don't you ask in forum to see how many are interesed?

Best regards.
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