Problem with AutoCompleteEditText


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Longtime User
I've got a problem with AutoCompleteEditText:
I'm looking for keywords "San Gervasio"
The items that are set for this operation are:
1) Capriare San Gervasio
2) Palazzo San Gervasio
3) San Gervasio Bresciano.
The result that I obtain is only the third record!!! (the only one that starts with the keyword I'm looking for!)
But.... if a look for "Gervasio"... I can find all the records!!!!
What is it caused by?
I would like to find always ALL the records that contain words beginning with these keywords!
Is it possible? Any suggestions?
Thank you very much


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you very much, but I can't use a searchview, because I already tried to do this way,
but it was too slow creating the internal index!
The items in the "AutoCompleteEditText" may change very often
and building every time the index, would slow down considerably the whole thing!
Can you explain me why the AutoCompleteEditText works that way (in the above example)?
Is it a bug? Why should I obtain different results?

Thank you!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
HI! Can anyone help me to solve this problem and explain me why "AutoCompleteEditText" works this way?
I'm looking for keywords ("San Gervasio")
The items that are set for this operation are:
1) Capriare San Gervasio
2) Palazzo San Gervasio
3) San Gervasio Bresciano.
The result that I obtain, is only the third record!!! (the only one that starts with the keyword i'm looking for!)
But.... if a look for "Gervasio"... I can find all the records!!!! (i can't use searchview! it's too slow to create the index every time)
I will appreciate your help and suggestions! Thanks you very much!
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