Hello Friends,
when i call the myFTP.List function, the MyFTP_ListCompleted event will be called 42 times. (Log("Test")). But why? i need only one event to start the download from the listed files.
when i call the myFTP.List function, the MyFTP_ListCompleted event will be called 42 times. (Log("Test")). But why? i need only one event to start the download from the listed files.
myFTP.Initialize("MyFTP", IP , 21, "service", "xxxx")
Sub MyFTP_ListCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean, Folders() As FTPEntry, Files() As FTPEntry)
If Success Then
Dim i As Int
Dim SubFolder As String
SubFolder = ServerPath.Replace(DownloadFolderLocation.Replace(" ","_"), "") '
For i = 0 To Folders.Length -1
If Folders(i).Name <> "." And Folders(i).Name <> ".." Then
myFTP.List(ServerPath & "/" & Folders(i).name)
End If
If Files.Length >= 1 Then
AddFileToDownloadList(ServerPath, File.DirApp & "/" & currentIP & "/" & SubFolder, Files) 'add the files to the queue (list) to download
End If
btnDownload.Enabled = True
pbProgress.Visible = False
logWindow.text = "Online folder not found, check spelling..." & ServerPath
End If
End Sub