Android Question Problem with new version 7.3


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Licensed User

I've just bought and install version 7.3 of B4A.

I've run the new exe and launch my B4A project.

Trying to run my project built in version 5, I've got this error during compilation:

B4A Version: 7.30
Analyse du code. (0.25s)
Compilation du code. (0.38s)
Compilation du code des layouts. (0.03s)
Organiser les bibliothèques. (0.00s)
Génération du fichier R. (0.55s)
Compilation du code du débogueur. (4.47s)
Compilation du code Java. Error
javac 1.8.0_121
src\xxxxx\V1\designerscripts\ error: ')' expected
views.get("zssn").vw.setTop((int)((views.get("lbtitre").vw.getTop())+(views.get("lbtitre").vw.getHeight())+0.5d(d / 100 * height)));
1 error

What can be the problem ?


Active Member
Licensed User
Open your designer, maybe you see the error.

You are right !!!
In fact (and I don't know why it was working with the previous version 2 hours ago .....) there was a space in label position.
Something like 5 %y instead 5%y.
So problem is now solved.

Thanks to you both.
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