Android Question Problem with Panels into a TabHost - Solved


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I have a very strange problem placing multiple panels into a TabHost. If I only paint a panel, everything goes correctly, but when I add 2 or more, the problems begin. The application paint all the panels with the height of the last one.

I think it is easier to understand if I put the code, to see if anyone can give me a clue.

In the sample, when the app starts everything is correct, but when you select the edittext, the first panel is rescued with the height of the second one.

Thanks in advance, I'm going crazy .o_O...

Sorry for my English...;)


    37.3 KB · Views: 243


Licensed User
Longtime User
I just saw that if you do the same but without the TabHost, the bug is still there...¿?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
So, you want to say that that error is normal?

Sometimes the designer dont't work good and it is easier to use code for to location the objets...
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B4X founder
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do you want to say that that error is normal?
This error is expected if you reuse drawables.

Sometimes the designer dont't work good and it is easier to use code for to location the objets...
I'm not sure what you mean with "don't work good" but once you understand how to use the designer you will see that it is simpler. Start with using anchors.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Erel ... located .... I understood where was the error ... thank you very much for the help
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