I'm sending the following URL to mapquest, note if I copy this into a browser I get a route returned as expected, but not in B4A. In B4a I get
renderAdvancedNarrative({"route":{"routeError":{"message":"","errorCode":0}},"info":{"copyright":{"text":"© 2013 MapQuest, Inc.","imageUrl":"http://api.mqcdn.com/res/mqlogo.gif","imageAltText":"© 2013 MapQuest, Inc."},"statuscode":400,"messages":["Error processing route request","Invalid value 'false?first key=first value ' for parameter 'doReverseGeocode'. Must be 'true' or 'false'."]}});
Here is the URL
Code as follows :
Sub makestring
Dim url As String
url = "http://open.mapquestapi.com/directions/v2/route?key=" & key & "&callback=renderAdvancedNarrative&outformat=xml&routeType="&Mode&"&timeType=1&enhancedNarrative=true&shapeFormat=raw&generalise=200&locale=en_GB&unit=K&from="& GPSADDR_A_LAT &","&GPSADDR_A_LON&"&to="&GPSADDR_B_LAT&","&GPSADDR_B_LON&"&drivingstyle=2&highwayEfficiency=30.0&doReverseGeocode=false"
'send this to web
job1.Initialize("Job1", Me)
job1.Download2(url, _
Array As String("first key", "first value ", "second key", "value 2"))
End Sub
why would this work in the browser but not in the B4A debugger ?
I'm sending the following URL to mapquest, note if I copy this into a browser I get a route returned as expected, but not in B4A. In B4a I get
renderAdvancedNarrative({"route":{"routeError":{"message":"","errorCode":0}},"info":{"copyright":{"text":"© 2013 MapQuest, Inc.","imageUrl":"http://api.mqcdn.com/res/mqlogo.gif","imageAltText":"© 2013 MapQuest, Inc."},"statuscode":400,"messages":["Error processing route request","Invalid value 'false?first key=first value ' for parameter 'doReverseGeocode'. Must be 'true' or 'false'."]}});
Here is the URL
Code as follows :
Sub makestring
Dim url As String
url = "http://open.mapquestapi.com/directions/v2/route?key=" & key & "&callback=renderAdvancedNarrative&outformat=xml&routeType="&Mode&"&timeType=1&enhancedNarrative=true&shapeFormat=raw&generalise=200&locale=en_GB&unit=K&from="& GPSADDR_A_LAT &","&GPSADDR_A_LON&"&to="&GPSADDR_B_LAT&","&GPSADDR_B_LON&"&drivingstyle=2&highwayEfficiency=30.0&doReverseGeocode=false"
'send this to web
job1.Initialize("Job1", Me)
job1.Download2(url, _
Array As String("first key", "first value ", "second key", "value 2"))
End Sub
why would this work in the browser but not in the B4A debugger ?